RN Bank

RN Bank is the Finance Company of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance in Russia. The Bank concentrates its efforts on two main business directions: consumer auto loans for Alliance’s brands cars and Alliance’s dealer financing, actively supplementing them with additional financial services.

RN Bank bonds

NameIssue sizePriceYield
Avto Finance Bank BO-001P-13 (RUB)10,000,000 pcs.93.69%22.91%
Avto Finance Bank BO-001P-12 (RUB)10,000,000 pcs.92.81%23.58%
RN Bank BO-001P-09 (RUB)8,000,000 pcs.99.99%0.12%
RN Bank BO-001P-05 (RUB)8,000,000 pcs.99.94%0.00%
RN Bank BO-001P-07 (RUB)8,000,000 pcs.99.99%0.04%
RN Bank BO-001P-08 (RUB)8,000,000 pcs.99.98%0.05%
RN Bank BO-001P-10 (RUB)7,000,000 pcs.91.14%19.56%
RN Bank BO-001P-06 (RUB)7,000,000 pcs.100%0.02%
Avto Finance Bank BO-001P-11 (RUB)7,000,000 pcs.94.92%23.08%
RN Bank BO-001P-04 (RUB)5,000,000 pcs.100%0.02%
General information
Company nameRN Bank
SectorFinancials / Banks / Banks / Regional Banks
Business address109028, g. Moskva, Serebryanicheskaya nab., d. 29
Mailing address109028, g. Moskva, Serebryanicheskaya nab., d. 29
CEODero Ksave Zherar
Phone+7 495 775-40-68
Information disclosuree-disclosure.ru