Choose the best stocks, bonds, view reports, dividends, create portfolios, earn!
You can

Choose bonds with the highest yield

Create, edit and share a portfolio

Choose undervalued stocks with good potential returns

View future and past dividends in a convenient format

Instantly learn about decisions of shareholders and councils of directors with a notification system
per 1 year
Reporting and multipliers
Analytical reviews
Dividend history
Personal notifications about dividends
Investment accounting
1 portfolio
Assets in portfolio
7 assets
Favourite issuers
5 issuers
per 1 year
Reporting and multipliers
2400+ companies
Analytical reviews
Dividend history
Personal notifications about dividends
Investment accounting
10 portfolios
Assets in portfolio
Favourite issuers
1000 issuers
Stock market news
Mobile app
The mobile application of the service for investors BlackTerminal provides quick access to stock quotes, financial indicators and issuers' multiples.
The analytical coverage of the service includes more than 2400 companies trading on Russian and foreign platforms.
The service provides intermediary services for the selection of undervalued assets and does not carry out brokerage activities.
Any information presented on the site is not an individual investment recommendation and is for informational purposes only.
For possible losses of the investor in the event of transactions, or investing in financial instruments presented on the resource, no one, except the investor himself, bears responsibility.