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Stock market news

United Aircraft Corporation's RAS loss for 2024 amounted to ₽24.1 billion, down twofold from ₽51.06 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 21.9% to ₽198.01 billion against ₽162.5 billion a year ea...
Kamaz's RAS loss for 2024 amounted to ₽3.35 billion against a profit of ₽11.9 billion in the previous year. Revenue fell 8.8% to ₽323.38 billion against ₽354.7 billion a year earlier.
Positive Technologies' shipments in 2024 are expected to total ₽25.5 billion, remaining at the same level as the previous year. Performance was below management's initial expectations as Q4 saw a key...
Tuimazinskiy Zavod Avtobetonovozovozov' net profit under RAS for 2024 amounted to ₽456.6 million, down 7.5% from ₽493.6 million in the previous year. Revenue increased 20.6% to ₽13.15 billion against...
IT company Yandex has acquired trademarks of Igromir, the largest exhibition and festival of computer games, and Comic Con, a festival of pop culture and comics, for ₽20.6 million each. First festival...
ICPAO Cian announced an offer to exchange receipts of Cyprus-based Cian Plc for its shares at a 1:1 ratio. To participate in the exchange can participate all owners of securities regardless of the cha...
T-Investments broker has launched a new venture capital ZPIF Venture Investments 1. Fund will work with technology startups that have revenues of 300 million rubles or more per year and demonstrate gr...
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Yuzhuralzoloto's gold production in 2024 amounted to 10.6 tons, down 17% against the background of the suspension of mining operations at open pits by the regulator. In 2025, Yuzhuralzoloto intends to...
Alrosa in 2024 increased sales of investment grade polished diamonds three times year-on-year, to over 1 thousand units. In money terms, the figure increased by 60%. Revenue from their sale was not di...
Government has submitted to the State Duma a bill which tightens the rules governing the circulation of precious metals and stones in pawnshops. It clarifies the powers of the Ministry of Finance to i...
PIK acquired a 3.3 hectare plot of land on Leningradskoye Shosse to build a business-class residential complex. Amount of the deal could be around ₽1.5 billion. Project of the residential complex will...
NPF Renaissance Savings received admission to the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons. In mid-June, Renaissance Insurance Group reported that the new fund will focus on accumulation p...
Neftekamsk Automobile Plant's RAS net profit for 2024 amounted to ₽7.53 million, down 19 times from ₽143.85 million in the previous year. Revenue rose 19.9% to ₽42.2 billion against ₽35.2 billion a ye...
Board of directors of MosBirch will discuss today the termination of functioning of the standardized derivatives market. At the end of December this issue was already discussed at the Exchange's Curre...
Moscow Exchange since February 7 included shares of ICPAO CIAN into the first level of the list of securities admitted to trading. Securities were assigned trading code CNRU. Shares of ICPAO CIAN will...



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