GAZ is the parent company of GAZ Group, a Russian automotive holding comprising a number of industrial enterprises in the machine-building sector. The company provides automotive components to most of the holding's enterprises, producing axles, axles and suspensions, wheel rims, exhaust system elements, cast iron castings, forging products and tooling.
GAZ dividends

GAZ shares

TickerNameTypeNominal valueISINPrice
GAZA:RMGAZCommon shareRUB 1RU0009034268RUB 781
GAZAP:RMGAZ PrefPreferred shareRUB 1RU000A0ZYHF5RUB 477
Share capital structure of GAZ
GAZ news
Arbitration Court of Nizhny Novgorod Region partially satisfied the claim of Gorkovsky Avtozavod against Volkswagen and ruled to recover ₽16.9 billion from the German automobile concern. Starting from 2021, the defendant Volkswagen began to violate its obligations under the diesel engine supply contract and in March 2022 completely repudiated the contract. G...
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GAZ and Volgabus are planning to launch serial production of tourist buses in Q1 2024, Russian Minister of Trade and Industry Denis Manturov said. Now pre-production samples of buses are already undergoing certification.
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GAZ may resume production of Volga brand cars in 2024, said the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov. Production of cars under this brand is planned to be organized by analogy with Moskvich, it is with the involvement of a technology partner. It is planned to choose a partner in the near future. Group is also looking for a new partner fo...
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GAZ Group will start serial production of 18-meter articulated electric buses E-Citymax 18 in 2023. They will be supplied mainly to Mosgortrans, which has been conducting operational tests of the E-Citymax 18 since June last year. This year the group also plans to start serial production of electric GAZelas on a light platform, which have been tested in a nu...
General information
Company nameGAZ
Tags#auto parts
SectorConsumer Discretionary / Automobiles & Components / Automobiles / Automobile Manufacturers
Business address603004, gorod Nizhniy Novgorod, pr. Lenina, 88
Mailing address603004, gorod Nizhniy Novgorod, pr. Lenina, 88