Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital

Traded on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital is the first U.S. public company solely dedicated to investments in climate solutions, providing capital to assets developed by leading companies in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other sustainable infrastructure markets.
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital stock price chart
Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital dividends

Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital dividend policy

The company pays dividends quarterly

Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital shares

TickerNameTypeNominal valueISINPrice
HASI:USHannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure CapitalCommon share-US41068X1000$24.95
General information
Company nameHannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital
SectorUtilities / Utilities / Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers / Renewable Electricity
Business address1 Park Place Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401
Mailing address1 Park Place Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401
Information disclosurewww.sec.gov