JLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd.

JLEN Environmental Assets Grou is a large British investment trust dedicated to investments in Renewable Energy Infrastructure. Earlier it was known as John Laing Environmental Fund. The company was founded in 2014.
JLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd. news
Net profit of JLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd. according to IFRS for 6 months of 2021 fiscal year was £10,715 million, which is 34% lower compared to £16,188 million in the previous year.
Source: {source} pictogram jlen.com
The JLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd. Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of £0.0169 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is December 2, 2020. The annual dividend yield may reach 5.84%.
Source: {source} pictogram jlen.com
JLEN acquired Northern Hydropower Holdings Limited (NHHL) for £4.74 million. NHHL controls 100% of the shares of Northern Hydropower Limited, which owns the rights to two existing hydropower projects, including the battery operating system at one site. The assets are located in Yorkshire and Cornwall.
General information
Company nameJLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd.
SectorFinancials / Diversified Financials / Diversified Financial Services / Specialized Finance