Pavlovo bus

Pavlovo Bus Factory is a manufacturer of buses in Russia, in the city of Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. PAZ is a subsidiary of Russian Buses which is a division of GAZ. Pavlovo Bus Factory specializes in designing and manufacturing buses of the small/medium class
Pavlovo bus dividends

Pavlovo bus shares

TickerNameTypeNominal valueISINPrice
PAZA:RMPavlovo busCommon shareRUB 415RU0009083240RUB 9,180
Share capital structure of Pavlovo bus
Pavlovo bus news
Shareholders of Pavlovsky Avtobus decided not to pay dividends for 2021
Board of Directors of Pavlovo bus recommended not to pay dividends for 2020.
Shareholders of Pavlovsky Bus decided not to pay out dividends for 2019.
The Board of Directors of Pavlovsky Bus recommended shareholders not to pay dividends for 2019 due to the lack of net profit.
General information
Company namePavlovo bus
Tags#cars, #buses
SectorConsumer Discretionary / Automobiles & Components / Automobiles / Automobile Manufacturers
Business address603004, Rossiyskaya Federaciya, Nizhniy Novgorod, pr-t Lenina, d. 88
Mailing address606108, Rossiyskaya Federaciya, Nizhegorodskaya oblast, g.Pavlovo, ul.Suvorova, dom 1