Russian Highways

Russian Highways is a state-owned company, the purpose of which is to implement long-term infrastructure projects and develop a network of high-speed roads in the Russian Federation by attracting extra-budgetary funds.

Russian Highways bonds

NameIssue sizePriceYield
Russian Highways BO-003P-02 (RUB)30,513,100 pcs.85.97%16.59%
Russian Highways BO-004P-03 (RUB)26,189,486 pcs.100%0.02%
Russian Highways BO-005P-03 (RUB)25,237,500 pcs.91.39%17.01%
Russian Highways BO-006P-03 (RUB)22,580,707 pcs.100%1.01%
Autodor 03 (RUB)21,727,365 pcs.--
Russian Highways BO-005P-02 (RUB)20,000,000 pcs.--
Russian Highways BO-005P-01 (RUB)20,000,000 pcs.89.64%17.08%
Russian Highways BO-002P-05 (RUB)18,645,167 pcs.96.75%8.90%
Russian Highways BO-002P-02 (RUB)17,700,000 pcs.99.99%0.02%
Russian Highways BO-006P-02 (RUB)17,619,293 pcs.100.04%0.42%
General information
Company nameRussian Highways
SectorReal Estate / Real Estate / Real Estate Management & Development / Real Estate Development
Business address127006, Moskva, Strastnoy bulvar, 9
Mailing address127006, Moskva, Strastnoy bulvar, 9
CEOPetushenko Vyacheslav Petrovich
Phone(495) 727-11-95