
Ural Asbest Mining and Processing Plant is an enterprise in the city of Asbest, Sverdlovsk Region. It specialises in mining and enrichment of chrysotile asbestos. It produces 21% of chrysotile in the world and 41% in the Russian Federation, 80% of chrysotile produced is exported. The plant is also one of Russia's largest producers of non-metallic construction materials, which are supplied for road and railway construction.
Uralasbest dividends

Uralasbest dividend policy

The company has no approved dividend policy. On average, 20-25% of net profit is allocated for dividend payments. Dividends are paid once a year.

Uralasbest shares

TickerNameTypeNominal valueISINPrice
URAG:RMUralasbestCommon shareRUB 1RU000A0HM4J9RUB 8.288
General information
Company nameUralasbest
Tags#moex otc
SectorMaterials / Materials / Construction Materials / Construction Materials
Business addressRF, Sverdlovskaya oblast, g. Asbest, ul. Uralskaya, d. 66
Mailing address624260, RF, Sverdlovskaya oblast, g. Asbest, ul. Uralskaya, d. 66
Information disclosuree-disclosure.ru