Stock market news

Volgograd Energosbyt logo 25.07.24
Volgograd Energosbyt

Volgogradenergosbyt's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽1.02 billion, up 37.8% from ₽0.74 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 2.4% to ₽16.8 billion against ₽16.4 billion a year earlier.
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NOVATEK logo 25.07.24

Novatek started transportation of the second liquefaction train for the Arctic LNG-2 project from Murmansk. Platform will be towed to Gydan, where, tentatively in mid-August, its installation will begin at the Utrenny terminal, near the project's resource base. Shipments from the first line of the LNG plant, which was ready for launch in December last year,...
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IMCB logo 25.07.24

IMCB's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽80.09 million, up 27% from ₽63.06 million in the previous year. Revenue increased by 18.4% to ₽164.64 million against ₽139.03 million a year earlier.
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Sollers logo 25.07.24

Sollers' RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽4.87 billion, against a loss of ₽0.04 billion in the previous year.
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Unipro logo 25.07.24

Electricity generation by Unipro's power plants for 6 months of 2024 amounted to 27.56 bln kWh, remaining at the level of the previous year. Heat generation increased by 10.3% to 1,182 thousand Gcal.
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Tambov Energy Supply Company logo 25.07.24
Tambov Energy Supply Company

Tambov Power Supply Company's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽156.27 million, up 3.7% from ₽150.73 million in the previous year. Revenue increased 1.1% to ₽3.58 billion against ₽3.54 billion a year earlier.
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Astrakhan Power Sale Company logo 25.07.24
Astrakhan Power Sale Company

Astrakhan Power Supply Company's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽49 million, down 35.2% from ₽75.58 million in the previous year. Revenue increased by 4.5% to ₽7.26 billion against ₽6.95 billion a year earlier.
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Novorossiysk Bakery Products Plant logo 25.07.24
Novorossiysk Bakery Products Plant

Novorossiysk Bakery Products Combine's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽3.11 billion, up 26.9% from ₽2.45 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased by 7.5% to ₽5.43 billion against ₽5.05 billion a year earlier.
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Inter RAO logo 25.07.24
Inter RAO

Inter RAO's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽36 billion, up 26.3% from ₽28.5 billion in the previous year. Revenue declined 0.3% to ₽125.9 billion against ₽126.3 billion a year earlier.
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Inter RAO logo 25.07.24
Inter RAO

Electricity generation by Inter RAO Group for 6 months of 2024 amounted to 48.33 billion kWh, up 7% from 45.19 billion kWh a year earlier. Heat supply decreased by 2.4% to 2.46 mln Gcal, compared to 2.53 mln Gcal a year earlier.
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