Stock market news

Sberbank logo 26.12.22

On Sber's blockchain platform first issue of digital financial assets for gold took place. Investor was Solfer LLC, a diversified holding company in the field of trading and processing of metals and production of articles made of precious metals. Bank expects an active growth in the number of corporate clients on our platform and plans to expand the product...
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Rosseti Moscow Region logo 26.12.22
Rosseti Moscow Region

Shareholders of Rosseti Moscow Region approved dividends for 9 months 2022 in the amount of ₽0.0849 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is January 4, 2023. Dividend yield may amount to 8.34%.
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NanduQ (QIWI) logo 26.12.22
NanduQ (QIWI)

QIWI has published a FAQ for holders of ADRs on Moscow Exchange on their conversion into Class B common shares. license to conduct the procedure expires on January 7, 2023. Those who want to convert the securities should contact their broker or custodian for advice as soon as possible, the company notes.
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Sberbank logo 26.12.22

Sberbank has closed the sale of a stake in Croatia's Fortenova Group with a positive financial result, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Management Board Alexander Vedyakhin said. "We received a positive financial result from the sale of this transaction, and the result of this transaction is included in the results for October 2022," he replied to a related questi...
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Rosseti Lenenergo logo 26.12.22
Rosseti Lenenergo

The shareholders of Rosseti Lenenergo approved a dividend of ₽0.4435 per ordinary and preferred share for 9 months of 2022. The last day to buy the securities to receive the dividend is January 4, 2023. The dividend yield could be 4.8% on common shares and 0.39% on preferred shares.
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EL5-Energo logo 26.12.22

EL5-Energo (formerly Enel Russia) concluded a contract to supply Novatek with green electricity generated by the Azov wind farm. The wind farm's energy, with an installed capacity of 90 MW, will be supplied to the medium-tonnage Cryogas-Vysotsk LNG project.
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Tatneft logo 26.12.22

Tatneft launched the second stage of the aromatic hydrocarbons complex at TANECO Refinery in the integrated testing mode. The new units will allow to increase benzene production to 60 thousand tons per year, as well as to master the production of 150 thousand tons per year of paraxylene. These products as raw materials for petrochemistry are planned to be us...
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Far-Eastern Shipping Company logo 26.12.22
Far-Eastern Shipping Company

Fesco Transportation Group, as part of the expansion of its own route network, has organized a new intermodal service from China, the Republic of Korea and Japan to Moscow via the port of Nakhodka. The basis of the service's cargo flow is formed by consumer goods, electronics, construction and other cargoes. The first train within the new service left Nakhod...
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Rosneft Oil Company logo 26.12.22
Rosneft Oil Company

Shareholders of Rosneft Oil Company approved dividends for 9 months 2022 in the amount of ₽20.39 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is January 10, 2023. Dividend yield may amount to 5.87%.
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Gazprom logo 26.12.22

Government of the Irkutsk Region and OOO Gazprom LNG Technologies signed an agreement on the development of liquefied gas production and distribution infrastructure in the region. In particular, the document envisages construction of an LNG production line with the capacity of 0.75 tons per hour at the Kovykta gas condensate field. This will be the first sta...
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