Stock market news

Tapestry logo 17.11.22

The Tapestry Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.3 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is December 7, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 3.08%.
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Kimberly-Clark logo 17.11.22

The Kimberly-Clark Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $1.16 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is December 7, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 3.59%.
KeyCorp logo 17.11.22

The KeyCorp Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.205 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is November 25, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 3.88%.
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Cian logo 17.11.22

Cian has accumulated sufficient funds on its balance sheet and may consider paying dividends in the future, but warns of possible technical difficulties, CEO Dmitry Grigoriev said. Company had ₽139mn balance sheet cash and equivalents as of September 30. If the company decides to pay dividends, management will consider all possible solutions to technical dif...
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Lenzoloto logo 17.11.22

Shareholders of Lenzoloto approved dividends for 9 months 2022 in the amount of ₽3508 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is November 24, 2022. Dividend yield may amount to 19.43%.
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Cian logo 17.11.22

CIAN's IFRS loss for 9 months of 2022 was ₽0.009 billion, down many times from ₽1.969 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 37.8% to ₽5.872 billion compared to ₽4.261 billion a year earlier.
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Royal Gold logo 17.11.22
Royal Gold

The Royal Gold Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.375 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is January 4, 2023. The annual dividend yield may reach 1.62%.
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Teradyne logo 17.11.22

The Teradyne Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.11 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is November 24, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 0.45%.
Lear logo 17.11.22

The Lear Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.77 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is December 5, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 2.14%.
Source: {source} pictogram
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Noventiq logo 17.11.22

Noventiq acquires controlling stake in Saga Group. Digital solutions provider Saga Group has operations in more than 25 countries, in addition to Serbia, where its headquarters are located. Acquisition will enable Noventiq to strengthen its competencies in Central and Eastern Europe and gain more than 400 Saga Group experts, including about 300 highly qualif...
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