Stock market news

Nebius Group logo 03.11.22
Nebius Group

Yandex's GAAP net income for 9 months of 2022 was ₽40.56 billion, compared to a loss of ₽11.79 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 45.2% to ₽356.92 billion, compared to ₽245.84 billion a year earlier.
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SPB Exchange logo 03.11.22
SPB Exchange

Trading volume of foreign stocks on SPB Exchange in October 2022 amounted to $2.47 billion, which was 12.5 times lower than in $30.88 billion a year earlier and 57.8% less than in September this year. Number of active accounts declined twofold to 175,000. Trading volume of Hong Kong securities amounted to HK$0.59 billion, which was 48.79% higher than in Sept...
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Polaris logo 03.11.22

The Polaris Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.64 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is November 29, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 2.27%.
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X5 Group logo 03.11.22
X5 Group

X5 Group completed a deal with Siberian retailers Slata and Krasny Yar, acquiring a 70% controlling stake in them. Retail chains will continue to operate under their own brands while retaining their operational processes, with some processes integrated with X5, including procurement and logistics. Strategic management will be carried out through a single man...
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Tattelecom logo 03.11.22

Tattelecom's RAS net income for 9 months of 2022 was ₽1.236 billion, down 0.5% from ₽1.242 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 7.7% to ₽6.327 billion compared to ₽5.877 billion a year earlier.
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VEON logo 03.11.22

VEON's EBITDA for 9 months of 2022 was $2.576bn, up 2.8% from $2.505bn in the previous year. Revenue increased by 3% to $5.908 bln compared to $5.736 bln a year earlier.
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MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 03.11.22
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

Moscow Exchange's IFRS net income in Q3 2022 increased by 29.3% to ₽8.715 billion. Commission income decreased by 14.3%, to ₽8.928 billion versus ₽10.412 billion a year earlier.
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Positive Technologies Group logo 03.11.22
Positive Technologies Group

Positive Technologie plans to enter the markets of friendly countries in 2023, the company's Investor Relations Director Yury Marinichev said. This refers primarily to the Middle East, Asia, North Africa, and Latin America. Now the company is forming an international sales and marketing team, and as early as next year there will be lines in the statements th...
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Segezha Group logo 03.11.22
Segezha Group

Segezha Group transported a shipment of birch plywood to India via the North-South international transport corridor for the first time. Compared to the traditional route via Novorossiysk and the Suez Canal, the "North-South" corridor cuts cargo delivery time from Russia to India by about half, to 15-24 days. And the potential savings in related transportatio...
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Sberbank logo 03.11.22

Sberbank sold 43% in the Croatian Fortenova Group. Amount of the deal is not disclosed. Sberbank received a stake in Fortenova in April 2019 as a result of restructuring the debts of food retailer Agrokor. The company's debt to Sberbank amounted to approximately €1.1 billion. Buyer of the stake was a major investor from the UAE, Saif Alketby, whose assets in...
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