Stock market news

Primorie Bank logo 26.04.24
Primorie Bank

Shareholders of Primorie Bank approved dividends for 2023 in the amount of ₽2000 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is May 3, 2024. Dividend yield may amount to 4.85%.
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Bank St. Petersburg logo 25.04.24
Bank St. Petersburg

Shareholders of Bank Saint-Petersburg approved the decision on redemption of 4,335,800 common shares. After the redemption of the securities, the bank's authorized capital will consist of 457,544,031 ordinary shares and 20,100,000 preferred shares.
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Bank St. Petersburg logo 25.04.24
Bank St. Petersburg

Shareholders of Bank Saint Petersburg approved dividends of ₽23.37 per common share and ₽0.22 per preferred share for 2023. Last day to purchase securities for dividends is May 3, 2024. Dividend yield on common shares could be 6.91%, while preferred - 0.38%.
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Rushydro logo 25.04.24

RusHydro's network of charging complexes for electric vehicles has expanded to 300 and already covers 37 regions of Russia. Jubilee EHS was opened in Perm. Most of the stations operate in the Primorsky Krai - 75. Second place is taken by the Amur Region with 19 filling stations, followed by the Omsk Region with 17 stations. In addition, in the near future th...
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X5 Retail Group logo 25.04.24
X5 Retail Group

X5 Retail Group opened in Samara region a distribution center of the retail chain Pyatyorochka. Hub became the second largest among all distribution centers of the retail chain and occupies 73,000 square meters. Capacity of the distribution center allows to handle 4.5 thousand tons of cargo per day. Now the complex provides products to about 820 "Pyatyorochk...
Source: {source} pictogram
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EL5-Energo logo 25.04.24

Electricity generation by EL5-Energo for 3 months of 2024 amounted to 7.13 bln kW⋅h, increasing by 19% year-on-year. Useful electricity output increased by 19.6% and amounted to 6.79 bln kW⋅h. Heat supply increased by 9% to 1.487 mln Gcal.
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RosDorBank logo 25.04.24

Supervisory Board of RosDorBank decided to place 2.42 mln ordinary shares by open subscription. Price of shares placement will be determined later.
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Saratov oil refinery plant logo 25.04.24
Saratov oil refinery plant

Saratov Oil Refinery's IFRS loss for 2023 amounted to ₽36.94 million, revenue - ₽12.654 billion. Previously, the company did not report under IFRS.
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NOVATEK logo 25.04.24

Novatek's RAS net profit for 3 months of 2024 amounted to ₽65.09 billion, down 38.8% from ₽106.33 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 13.7% to ₽218.73 billion against ₽192.31 billion a year earlier.
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MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 25.04.24
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Moscow Exchange failed to take place due to lack of quorum. It was supposed to approve dividends for 2023 in the amount of ₽17.35 per ordinary share. Tomorrow the Supervisory Board of the trading floor will make a decision on convening a second annual meeting of shareholders.
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