Stock market news

MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 07.11.22
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

In October accounts on Moscow Exchange were opened by another 470.4 thousand people, which is 3% more than in the previous month. Total number of private investors reached 22.2 mln. Number of investors performing transactions in October on the stock market declined by 8.7% to 2.1 mln. Share of private investors in stock trading was 79.3%, in bond trading - 2...
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Chelyabinsk Profiled Steel Decking Plant logo 07.11.22
Chelyabinsk Profiled Steel Decking Plant

Chelyabinsk profiled steel decking plant's RAS net profit for 9 months of 2022 was ₽113.02 million, up 72% from ₽65.7 million in the previous year. Revenue decreased 2.4% to ₽7.343 billion versus ₽7.526 billion a year earlier.
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T-Technologies logo 07.11.22

Question of changing the name of Tinkoff is not discussed by the bank's top management, the sources told Vedomosti. There are no such obligations from the legal point of view and the bank does not see the need for rebranding and name change, the newspaper's sources explained. A representative of the bank did not reply to Vedomosti's inquiry.
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Berkshire Hathaway logo 07.11.22
Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway's GAAP loss for 9 months of 2022 was $40.379 billion, compared to earnings of $50.909 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 9.6% to $223.92 billion from $204.3 billion a year earlier.
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SPB Exchange logo 07.11.22
SPB Exchange

SPB Exchange segregated foreign securities of 45 issuers, which are accounted at NSD, on non-trading sections. New segregation will have no impact on investors, as these securities have not been traded since late February 2022. However, the transfer of securities to non-trading sections will make it possible to confirm information on the balances of blocked...
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Rosneft Oil Company logo 04.11.22
Rosneft Oil Company

Shareholders of Japan's Sodeco unanimously voted to continue participation in the project to develop the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas fields, the NHK TV channel reported, citing sources. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin transferred the management of Sakhalin-1 to Rosneft, due to ExxonMobil's refusal to work in Russia. At the same time, the operator of the...
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Cherkizovo Group logo 04.11.22
Cherkizovo Group

Cherkizovo Group has submitted an application to the Federal Antimonopoly Service for preliminary consent to purchase of agricultural assets in the Chelyabinsk region and Bashkiria, which Trust Bank intends to put up for auction. Credit organization plans to hold auctions at the end of the year for the sale of five assets of the Healthy Farm group, one of th...
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Warner Bros.Discovery logo 04.11.22
Warner Bros.Discovery

Warner Bros.Discovery's GAAP loss for 9 months of 2022 was $5.218 billion, compared to a profit of $1.106 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 2.5 times to $22.809 billion from $9 billion a year earlier.
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Starbucks logo 04.11.22

Starbucks' GAAP net income for fiscal year 2022 was $3.283 billion, down 21.8% from $4.2 billion the previous year. Revenue increased 11% to $32.25 billion from $29.061 billion a year earlier.
Block logo 04.11.22

Block's GAAP loss for 9 months of 2022 was $435.38 million, compared to a profit of $239.81 million in the previous year. Revenue fell 5.2% to $12.881 billion from $13.583 billion a year earlier.
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