Stock market news

MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 03.11.22
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

Mosbirch making decision on dividend payment for 2022 will take into account regulatory norms, investments in development and possible M&A deals, said Georgiy Uryutov, acting financial director of the stock exchange. Anton Terentyev, director of investor relations, said that all possible options are currently "on the table" but it is too early to be more spe...
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OR Group logo 03.11.22
OR Group

Option of debt restructuring by OR Group in the form of increase in the term of circulation of securities to 15 years at a coupon rate of 1% per annum was supported by 42% of bondholders. Conversion of the debt into equity was supported by 34% of the bondholders. Prolongation of the debt for 12 years at a coupon rate of 0.1% per annum was supported by 24% of...
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Strategic Education logo 03.11.22
Strategic Education

The Strategic Education Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.6 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is November 24, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 3.6%.
Positive Technologies Group logo 03.11.22
Positive Technologies Group

Shareholders of Positive Technologies Group approved dividends for 9 months 2022 in the amount of ₽5.16 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is November 10, 2022. Dividend yield may amount to 0.41%.
Unipro logo 03.11.22

Unipro continues negotiations with its parent Uniper on the issue of dividends, Ulf Bakkmeyer, the Russian company's CFO, said. The company will inform investors when any solutions are found.
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Himprom logo 03.11.22

Himprom's RAS net profit for 9 months of 2022 was ₽2.535 billion, up 4.2 times from ₽0.605 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 15.3% to ₽11.229 billion compared to ₽9.743 billion a year earlier.
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Moderna logo 03.11.22

Moderna's GAAP net income for 9 months of 2022 was $6.897 billion, down 6% from $7.334 billion in the prior year. Revenue increased 25.9% to $14.179 billion from $11.26 billion a year earlier.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals logo 03.11.22
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals' GAAP net income for 9 months of 2022 was $3.141 billion, down 46.3% from $5.846 billion in the previous year. Revenue decreased by 21.2% to $8.759 billion from $11.12 billion a year earlier.
Vyborg Shipyard logo 03.11.22
Vyborg Shipyard

Vyborg Shipyard's RAS loss for 9 months of 2022 was ₽1.239 billion, down 19.1% from ₽1.531 billion in the previous year. Revenue fell 1.2% to ₽5.312 billion versus ₽5.374 billion a year earlier.
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Unipro logo 03.11.22

Unipro's IFRS net income for 9 months of 2022 was ₽5.142 billion, down 2.4 times from ₽12.567 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 21.8% to ₽77.627 billion compared to ₽63.723 billion a year earlier.
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