Stock market news

Sberbank logo 23.08.22

Sberbank and VK have finally agreed to a divorce in their joint venture, O2O Holding, two interlocutors told The Bell. VK will get the food delivery service Delivery Club as a result of the deal, which it will then swap for Zen and News with Yandex. And Sberbank will get all other assets of the joint venture, including carsharing Citidrive and an express foo...
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Nebius Group logo 23.08.22
Nebius Group

At the end of July Yandex applied for registration of Vionic trademark, according to Rospatent materials. And on August 18 the company sent an application to Rospatent for Tuvio brand registration. The list of classes in which the applicant intends to register the brands allows them to be used for sales of various home appliances. And among the goods for whi...
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VK logo 23.08.22

VK and Sberbank have finally agreed to a divorce in their joint venture, O2O Holding, two interlocutors told The Bell. VK will get the food delivery service Delivery Club as a result of the deal, which it will then swap for Zen and News with Yandex. And Sberbank will get all other assets of the joint venture, including carsharing Citidrive and an express foo...
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VK logo 23.08.22

VK plans to distribute content to music streaming platforms, including VK Music's competitors, Yandex.Music, Sound and others. The company promises to post tracks by Russian artists on foreign platforms as well. However, in order to deliver content to these platforms, it is necessary to make payments in foreign currency and have a non-resident partner, exper...
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Gazprom Neft logo 22.08.22
Gazprom Neft

Arbitration Court of Moscow Region granted Gazprom Neft's application to transfer its joint venture with Shell Salym Petroleum Development from Dutch jurisdiction to Russian jurisdiction. Shell will be limited in the rights of disposal and management, but will have the right to demand redemption of the share until the end of 2023.
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eBay logo 22.08.22

eBay is buying collectible card game marketplace TCGPlayer for $295 million. Card game trading is an attractive category that has seen significant growth, and TCGplayer is the leading technology platform for the industry. Completion of the deal is scheduled for first quarter 2023.
Gazprom logo 22.08.22

Bulgaria will obligatorily negotiate with Gazprom Export on gas supplies, the country's Technical Government Energy Minister Rosen Hristov said at a briefing following a meeting of the crisis staff that solves problems in the energy sector. Gas supplies to Bulgaria were halted on April 27 due to the refusal of the buyer to pay for gas in rubles.
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Cherkizovo Group logo 22.08.22
Cherkizovo Group

Cherkizovo Group's chicken sales for 6 months of 2022 amounted to 354,700 tons, down 1.4% year-on-year. Turkey sales increased by 60.4% to 38,000 tons. Pork production increased by 1.4% to 65,800 tons. Sales in the Meat Processing division increased 3.6% to 62,600 tonnes.
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Moscow City Telephone Network logo 22.08.22
Moscow City Telephone Network

MGTS' IFRS net income for six months of 2022 was ₽7.384 billion, down 5.3% from ₽7.796 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 0.6% to ₽20.551 billion compared to ₽20.43 billion a year earlier.
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MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 22.08.22
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

National Clearing Center stopped accepting dollars as a collateral currency for trades on the foreign exchange, futures and stock markets, as well as the precious metals and deposits market as of August 29. The NCC has consistently reduced the proportion of funds in currencies, which could be used as collateral, against the risk of sanctions. Thus, since Jul...
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