Stock market news

VTB Bank logo 24.08.23
VTB Bank

VTB completely withdrew from the capital of PIK. The bank owned 12.4% of the developer's shares.
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PIK-specialized developer logo 24.08.23
PIK-specialized developer

VTB completely withdrew from the capital of PIK. The bank owned 12.4% of the developer's shares.
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Gazprom logo 24.08.23

Rusgazaliance, a joint venture between Gazprom and Rusgazdobycha, produced the first 5 billion cubic meters of gas at the Semakovskoye gas field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Commercial production at the field was launched by the company in December 2022. As part of the first phase of the project, 7.5 billion cubic meters of gas will be produced...
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NVIDIA logo 23.08.23

The NVIDIA Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.04 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is September 5, 2023. The annual dividend yield may reach 0.07%.
Raspadskaya logo 23.08.23

Raspadskaya is investing over ₽13 billion in the construction of a new coal block Raspadsky-4 in Mezhdurechensk. By 2027, it is planned to construct a complex of buildings and facilities, as well as more than 20 kilometers of necessary underground mine workings to develop seams with coal reserves of over 60 million tons. Planned period of coal production at...
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Ozon Holdings logo 23.08.23
Ozon Holdings

Ozon wants to change jurisdiction in the long term and be closer to its core business in Russia, said Igor Gerasimov, CFO of the marketplace, during an investor conference. It is too early to announce any specific terms and details, but the company is trying to take certain actions. He did not specify which ones.
Source: {source} pictogram
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Nebius Group logo 23.08.23
Nebius Group

Over the year, the share of search traffic in Russia through Google decreased by 9 p.p. and at the end of July 2023 amounted to 39% against 48.6% a year earlier, according to Statcounter data. Share of Yandex in July amounted to almost 60%. In addition, in July, the share of Google Chrome in Internet visits in Russia decreased to 45%, which is 5 p.p. less th...
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Ozon Holdings logo 23.08.23
Ozon Holdings

Ozon in 6 months of 2023 processed 388 million orders, up 2.1 times from 183.2 million in the previous year. Number of active buyers increased by 29% to 39.5 million. GMV reached ₽675.68 billion, nearly doubling from ₽348.1 billion a year earlier. Marketplace share rose 8pc to 81.2% of GMV.
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Ozon Holdings logo 23.08.23
Ozon Holdings

Ozon's IFRS loss for 6 months of 2023 amounted to ₽2.431 billion, down 11 times from ₽26.257 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 53.5% to ₽187.41 billion against ₽122.09 billion a year earlier.
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LSR Group logo 23.08.23
LSR Group

Supreme Anti-Corruption Court has satisfied the lawsuit filed by the Ukrainian Justice Ministry and recovered 100% of Aerok LLC, a member of the LSR group of companies, from the state. Company owns two aerated concrete plants in Ukraine - in Obukhov and Berezan, Kiev region. Profits received by the Ukrainian company were used as dividends and royalties to it...
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