Stock market news

Inter RAO logo 30.12.22
Inter RAO

Russian Grids is going to sell its 8.57% stake in Inter RAO for ₽23 billion to finance the construction of power grids at the Eastern landfill, Kommersant sources said. Market value of Rosseti's stake, based on current quotations, is about ₽29 billion. Shares can be purchased by structures affiliated with Inter RAO, newspaper's sources assume.
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United Aircraft Corporation logo 29.12.22
United Aircraft Corporation

Production of multifunctional fifth-generation Su-57 fighters in Komsomolsk-on-Amur has reached a high-volume production level and the number of produced aircraft will increase in the future, UAC head Yury Slyusar said. In fact, 2022 was the first year of high-volume production of Su-57 aircraft.
Source: {source} pictogram
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Yakovlev logo 29.12.22

Irkut Corporation received the approval from the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency for the installation of the domestic PD-14 engine and the wing made of the composite materials of domestic production on the MS-21 medium-range Russian airplane. All the test checks of the airplane were performed in accordance with the Russian and international standards. A...
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Nizhnekamskshina logo 29.12.22

The main shareholder of Nizhnekamskshina, Tatshina LLC, offered other shareholders to buy the company's shares from them. Ordinary shares are offered for ₽23.78 per share, preference shares - for ₽21.82. To accept the offer is possible within 70 days.
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Segezha Group logo 29.12.22
Segezha Group

Segezha Group received a certificate of compliance of the company's CLT panels with the safety requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan. State certification in Kazakhstan will facilitate the implementation of large projects with the participation of government agencies and large private investors, said Segezha Group Vice President Margarita Lee.
Source: {source} pictogram
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VTB Bank logo 29.12.22
VTB Bank

VTB's Supervisory Board has called an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to decide on an additional issue of ordinary shares for January 30, 2023. More detailed information the bank promises to publish no later than January 10.
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VK logo 29.12.22

VK became the owner of creative agency Invite, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Acquisition of the creative agency is another step in the development of the content area for users, VK's press service commented on the deal. Amount of the deal was not disclosed. Invite's revenue in 2021 was ₽147.1 million, net profit was ₽12.2 million...
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Sovcomflot logo 29.12.22

Sovcomflot Group has commissioned the oil tanker Okeansky Prospekt, built by the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. LNG-fueled tanker is a lead ship of a series of two Aframax-sized tankers. Once completed, both vessels in the series will be chartered by Rosneft on a long-term basis to transport export cargoes.
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Bashinformsvyaz logo 29.12.22

Bashinformsvyaz's board of directors has recommended a dividend of ₽0.2967 per common share and 0.509 per preferred share for the first nine months of 2022. The last day to purchase securities to receive dividends is January 11, 2023. The dividend yield could be 3.41% on common shares and 5.4% on preferred shares.
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MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 29.12.22
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

Government has instructed the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance together with the Bank of Russia to assess the initiative of RSPP to return to residents of the Russian Federation control over Russian significant organizations owned through foreign holdings. Association proposes to take extraordinary regulatory measures for this purpos...
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