Stock market news

Gazprom logo 28.12.22

Government may postpone choosing a new shareholder for Sakhalin-2 LNG project instead of Shell, Kommersant sources told Kommersant. Federal Property Management Agency is collecting bids for the purchase of 27.49% of the project until December 30, but Novatek is not yet ready to make a commercial offer. In addition, there are no firm agreements with the main...
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NanduQ (QIWI) logo 27.12.22
NanduQ (QIWI)

Otkrytie Bank is working to implement a deal to sell its stake in Qiwi to a private investor in the near future, said the head of the credit institution Mikhail Zadornov. According to the latest public data, bank owned 13.7% of Qiwi votes.
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Tatneft logo 27.12.22

Shareholders of Tatneft named after V.D. Shashin approved dividends for 9 months of 2022 in the amount of ₽6.86 per ordinary and preferred share. The last day to purchase securities to receive the dividend is January 6, 2023. The dividend yield could be 1.97% on common shares and 2.01% on preferred shares.
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Baidu logo 27.12.22

Baidu has launched China's first robot cab service in Wuhan at night. Apollo Go cars will carry passengers until 11 p.m. Previously, the company provided robotaxi services only during the day. Nighttime conditions have always been one of the key technical challenges in autonomous driving technology, as vehicles find it difficult to distinguish obstacles and...
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Federal Grid Company - Rosseti logo 27.12.22
Federal Grid Company - Rosseti

Ministry of Energy wants to prohibit businesses to connect their enterprises directly to the backbone power grids of the Federal Grid Company, according to the Ministry's draft law. From January 2024, all new customers will be obliged to connect to the FGCs only through the backbone grid company, whose tariff will be several times higher. Status of the backb...
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TMK logo 27.12.22

TMK acquired a controlling stake in JSC Chelyabinsk Steel Structures Plant, which was owned by Sinara Group. Value of the stake is at least ₽8.5 billion. New asset will expand the company's capabilities as a supplier of complex engineering solutions.
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T-Technologies logo 27.12.22

Tinkoff Bank installed the first self-made ATM in Moscow. Device called Odin was designed and assembled in Russia. Domestic components are used. In the coming months, the credit institution will put into operation another thousand such ATMs.
Source: {source} pictogram
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Rostelecom logo 27.12.22

Rostelecom is not planning to resume the publication of financial statements as long as sanctions against Russia are in effect, said the head of the company Mikhail Oseevsky.
Source: {source} pictogram
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Rusagro logo 27.12.22

Rusagro will switch from the London Stock Exchange to one of the third countries by mid-2023, Timur Lipatov, the general director of the agricultural holding, said. Сompany is already working with several exchanges, which directly or through a related depositary works with Euroclear. Head of Rusagro did not specify which countries are under consideration.
Source: {source} pictogram
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VTB Bank logo 27.12.22
VTB Bank

Bank of Russia announced the closure of deal on the sale of Otkritie to VTB Bank. Regulator specified that VTB has fulfilled its obligations to it on payment for Otkritie shares in full. VTB was to pay ₽340 billion for the asset.
Source: {source} pictogram
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