Stock market news

TotalEnergies (Total) logo 26.09.22
TotalEnergies (Total)

TotalEnergies became first foreign partner of the Qatari liquefied natural gas project North Field South. Company will receive 9.375% in this project. Total it is planned to sell 25% of the project to foreign partners. North Field South will produce 16 million tons of LNG per year.
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SPB Exchange logo 26.09.22
SPB Exchange

Otkritie Investments broker introduces a ban on purchases of Hong Kong dollar for its clients since September 28. The ban is introduced due to increasing infrastructural risks on transactions with the Hong Kong dollar, the broker notes. The Hong Kong dollar is required for transactions in shares from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, trades in which SPB Exchange...
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Sistema logo 26.09.22

At the end of October a tender will be announced to select an investor for the development of the Arkhyz resort in Karachaevo-Cherkessia. So far three companies have expressed their interest in the project: Krasnaya Polyana, Sinara and AFK Sistema. Identification of the anchor investor who will be involved in further development of Arkhyz resort is to be com...
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Rosbank logo 26.09.22

Vladimir Potanin's Interros sold 7.5% of Rosbank to Rusfinance Investment Company. Securities will be used to motivate the bank's employees through digital financial assets. In company called this decision "people's capitalism," noting that it turns employees of companies into their beneficiaries.
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NOVATEK logo 23.09.22

Income tax rate for LNG producers in 2023-2025 is supposed to increase from the standard 20% to 32%, of which 17% will go to the regional budgets and 15% - to the federal budget, according to Kommersant sources familiar with the proposals of the Ministry of Finance. The tax increase would allow the Finance Ministry to raise up to ₽200 billion a year. The cha...
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Ozon Holdings logo 23.09.22
Ozon Holdings

Ozon has agreed with 35.9% of convertible bond holders, including a committee of convertible bond holders, on the terms of a $750 million issue restructuring. The company will early redeem the bonds in rubles or dollars at the option of the bondholder. The repayments will be up to 85% of the face value in rubles and up to 67% in dollars. The vote on the rest...
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Phosagro logo 23.09.22

PhosAgro shareholders have approved a final dividend of ₽780 per ordinary share for 2021 and for the first half of 2022. The last day to purchase securities to receive the dividend is Sept. 29, 2022. The dividend yield may be 11.02%.
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Russneft Oil Company logo 23.09.22
Russneft Oil Company

RussNeft for 6 months of 2022 produced 3.41 million tons of oil, which is 7% more against the same period of the last year. Natural gas production amounted to 0.154 billion cubic meters, having increased by 13%, and associated petroleum gas production increased by 6.6% up to 0.943 billion cubic meters. Increase in production in the first half of 2022 is due...
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Nauka-Svyaz logo 23.09.22

Shareholders of Nauka-Svyaz approved the decision to increase the authorized capital by placing 11 million additional shares of the company. The board of directors plans to determine the placement price of the securities after the preemptive right expires.
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Aeroflot logo 23.09.22

Aeroflot Airlines resumes flights from Moscow to Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, starting from October 9. At the initial stage the flights will be performed twice a week. On October 30 flights to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, will be resumed. They will be performed seven times a week. And from November 2 the airline will perform up to three flights a...
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