Stock market news

Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port logo 27.05.24
Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port

Board of Directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port recommended that dividends be paid for 2023 in the amount of ₽0.772 per ordinary share. The last day of the purchase of securities to receive dividends is July 9, 2024. Dividend yield may amount to 6.48%.
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VK logo 27.05.24

Social network VKontakte has become the most popular platform for running and monetizing blogs. According to the PR agency Mediacom.Expert and the marketing research service, it is chosen by 64% of respondents. Second place goes to Telegram with a 57% share. Rounding out the top five are YouTube, Yandex.Zen and Odnoklassniki. They are chosen by...
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Headhunter Group logo 27.05.24
Headhunter Group

Shareholders of MCAO Headhunter approved amendments to the charter necessary for the company to obtain public status, as well as an additional issue of 18 mln shares by open subscription. Securities can be paid by shares of Cyprus HeadHunter Group Plc and American depositary receipts on them, as well as cash. Company's press-service explained that the additi...
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Mobile TeleSystems logo 27.05.24
Mobile TeleSystems

MTS has extended its offer to buy back shares from non-residents at ₽95 per share until June 18. Company intends to acquire up to 4.2% of its shares.
Source: {source} pictogram
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EvroTrans logo 27.05.24

Board of Directors of EvroTrans recommended that dividends be paid for 3 months 2024 in the amount of ₽2.5 per ordinary share. The last day of the purchase of securities to receive dividends is July 8, 2024. Dividend yield may amount to 1.12%.
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EvroTrans logo 27.05.24

Board of Directors of EvroTrans recommended that dividends be paid for 2023 in the amount of ₽16.72 per ordinary share. The last day of the purchase of securities to receive dividends is July 8, 2024. Dividend yield may amount to 7.52%.
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INARCTICA (Russian Aquaculture) logo 27.05.24
INARCTICA (Russian Aquaculture)

Board of Directors of INARCTICA (Russian Aquaculture) recommended that dividends be paid for 3 months 2024 in the amount of ₽10 per ordinary share. The last day of the purchase of securities to receive dividends is July 5, 2024. Dividend yield may amount to 1.16%.
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Territorial Generating Company № 14 logo 27.05.24
Territorial Generating Company № 14

Shareholders of Territorial Generating Company № 14 approved dividends for 2023 in the amount of ₽0.00128871140954 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is June 3, 2024. Dividend yield may amount to 8.34%.
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Rosseti Kuban logo 27.05.24
Rosseti Kuban

Rosseti Kuban's IFRS net profit for 3 months of 2024 amounted to ₽3.42 billion, up 59.1% from ₽2.15 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 13.6% to ₽21.24 billion versus ₽18.69 billion a year earlier.
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Rosseti Volga logo 27.05.24
Rosseti Volga

Rosseti Volga's IFRS net profit for 3 months of 2024 amounted to ₽1.59 billion, up 87.1% from ₽0.85 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 2.8% to ₽20.72 billion versus ₽20.16 billion a year earlier.
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