Stock market news

MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 24.08.22
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

Investors will start to receive shares of Russian companies as a result of automatic conversion of receipts from August 25, if the process was initiated in due time. Sistema was the only company to ask the government for permission not to carry out automatic conversion. Dates of list of holders of receipts on which the conversion date depends, as well as the...
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Ozon Holdings logo 24.08.22
Ozon Holdings

Since the beginning of 2022, Ozon has focused on developing the clothing and footwear category, investing over ₽1 billion in its development. In Q2, the company managed to increase turnover, the number of orders and the number of active customers in this category by 2-2.5 times. The marketplace maintains the goal of tripling turnover in the category by the e...
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Nebius Group logo 24.08.22
Nebius Group

Yandex Drive carsharing service added five new models of Chinese cars to its fleet. In all, more than 400 new cars were purchased. Chinese cars Haval Jolion, Chery Tiggo 7 Pro and Geely Atlas Pro became available to users in Moscow. In addition, Geely Coolray in Luxury and Comfort configurations appear on the roads of the capital, and in the near future thes...
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Sistema logo 24.08.22

Steppe Agro Holding's revenue under IFRS in second quarter of 2022 was ₽15.3 billion, a threefold increase over the same period last year. Revenue for entire first half of the year increased 2.5 times, to ₽29.4 billion. In addition, a record growth rate is shown by the segment "Dairy Cattle Breeding" - gross milk yield by the end of the second quarter of 202...
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Cisco Systems logo 24.08.22
Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend of $0.38 per share. The last day to buy securities to receive the dividend is October 3, 2022. The annual dividend yield may reach 2.96%.
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Tomsk Switching Company logo 24.08.22
Tomsk Switching Company

Tomsk Distribution Company's IFRS net income for 6 months of 2022 was ₽164.96 million, down 24.2% from ₽217.7 million in the previous year. Revenue rose 11.5% to ₽4.026 billion compared to ₽3.61 billion a year earlier.
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eBay logo 24.08.22

eBay bought the myFitment group of companies. MyFitment's technology and platform provide powerful, easy-to-use and affordable solutions that help sellers of automotive parts and sporting goods and accessories drive sales and avoid costly returns. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
NOVATEK logo 24.08.22

Novatek will no longer be able to supply gas to Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore, a former subsidiary of Gazprom, under a long-term contract for 3 million tons per year. Temporary permit issued by the Russian government to work with the company nationalized by the German authorities expired on 23 August. Russian authorities, when giving permission, hope...
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Solidcore Resources logo 24.08.22
Solidcore Resources

Polymetal commissioned a 254 km long 110 kV Khandyga-Nezhdaninskoye power transmission line. It will power the production site of Nezhdaninskoye deposit. Transition from diesel fuel to grid electricity will reduce the cost of gold production by about 15-20%, said the head of Polymetal Vitaly Nesis. Total investment in construction of the line amounted to ₽6...
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SPB Exchange logo 24.08.22
SPB Exchange

Shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are gradually filling the portfolio of Russian investors. To date, investors have made with them 99.33 million transactions totaling HK$467.02 million, said a representative of SPB Exchange. At the end of June there were 38.27 thousand transactions totaling HK$155.54 million. Number of active accounts of investor...
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