Stock market news

Rosneft Oil Company logo 29.01.24
Rosneft Oil Company

Rosneft produced a record 106 billion cubic meters of gas in 2023, increasing production by more than 42% from 74.4 billion cubic meters a year earlier, the company's First Vice President Sergey Menzhinsky said. Company's share in the gas market rose to 14%. Company also accounts for 40% of oil production in Russia and 35% of its growth in the country as a w...
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Inter RAO logo 29.01.24
Inter RAO

Inter RAO completed modernization of three power units with a total capacity of 1,390 MW. Capacity of power unit No. 1 at Permskaya TPP was increased from 820 MW to 850 MW. Capacity of power unit No. 2 at Kostromskaya GRES was increased from 300 MW to 330 MW, and of power unit No. 2 at Gusinoozerskaya GRES from 190 MW to 210 MW. Works performed made it possi...
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Alrosa logo 29.01.24

Angola asked Alrosa to withdraw from the project to develop the Katoka diamond deposit, as sanctions against Russia have caused problems with the sale of minerals extracted there, local newspaper Expansao reported. According to the newspaper, representatives from Moscow and Luanda held a meeting in Dubai to try to unblock Alrosa's withdrawal. An obstacle is...
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LUKOIL logo 29.01.24

It will take at least 1-1.5 months to restore equipment at Lukoil's Nizhny Novgorod refinery, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said. At the beginning of the year, one of the two catalytic cracking units at the refinery, which make it possible to produce high-octane gasoline, failed. Now it is evaluating technical solutions and terms of equipment restora...
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Inter RAO logo 29.01.24
Inter RAO

Volume of electricity exports by Inter RAO in 2023 amounted to 10.7 bln kW⋅h, down 21% from 13.6 bln kW⋅h in the previous year. Exports to China decreased by 32.6% to 3.1 bln kWh, against a record 4.6 bln kWh a year earlier. At the same time, the volume of supplies to Kazakhstan and Mongolia, on the contrary, reached a record level. Exports to Kazakhstan rea...
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Alrosa logo 26.01.24

Alrosa estimates the need for initial capex in the construction of the Mir-Gluboky mine at $1.8-2 billion, according to the company's presentation at the exhibition-forum "Russia" at VDNKh. Exploration of deep horizons made it possible to increase diamond reserves at Mir by 62 million carats. Diamond production at reaching the design capacity of 2 million to...
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Rosbank logo 26.01.24

Board of Directors of Rosbank decided to appoint Chairman of the Bank's Management Board Nikolay Sidorov. He will succeed Natalia Voevodina. Natalia was tasked with ensuring business stability and leading the bank to a new development trajectory after the change of the majority shareholder, which she managed to accomplish. Nikolay Sidorov, a well-known finan...
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Magnit logo 26.01.24

Retailer Magnit plans to launch a marketplace Magnit Market in the first half of 2024. Platform will be launched on the basis of acquired at the end of last year marketplace KazanExpress. This approach will allow Magnit to quickly enter a new for the company fast-growing segment of marketplaces and take a significant share there, spending less time and other...
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Mobile TeleSystems logo 26.01.24
Mobile TeleSystems

MTS established a new legal entity - MTS IKar LLC. New company will become a part of MTS Auto business vertical and will perform the functions of a design bureau, laboratory and pilot production in the field of development and implementation of high-tech solutions and electronics for the automotive industry. MTS IKar's software for the production of automoti...
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KAMAZ logo 26.01.24

Kamaz in 2023 increased production volumes of passenger vehicles and expanded its product line. Last year over 1,450 NEFAZ buses and 477 KAMAZ electric buses were sold. The sales volume of passenger vehicles increased by 25% compared to 2022. Kamaz's share in the Russian market of large-class electric buses reached 96%, and in the large-class bus market, exc...
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