Stock market news

Fix Price Group logo 22.09.23
Fix Price Group

Fix Price chain has launched the sale of its goods via Market Delivery, Yandex Food and Market with fast delivery. Customers of these services can enter the Fix Price virtual store, assemble a shopping cart and receive selected goods with delivery from 30 minutes. Online assortment includes more than 2000 items that can be found on the shelves of offline sto...
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Mechel logo 22.09.23

Gazprombank and Mechel filed a petition with the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal to approve a settlement agreement on Gazprombank's claim to recover $244.2 million from the steel company. Earlier, the court scheduled for September 25 the consideration of Mechel's appeal against the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, which in July fully satisfied the...
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VK logo 22.09.23

Application store RuStore plans to increase its monthly active audience to 25 million people by the end of 2023, RuStore's operating director Ilya Sverchkov said on the margins of the Kazan Digital Week forum. At the end of August, this figure amounted to 17 million users.
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Tatneft logo 22.09.23

Tatneft's shareholders meeting on dividends for 6 months of 2023 was recognized invalid due to lack of quorum. Repeated meeting will be held on September 28.
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Nebius Group logo 22.09.23
Nebius Group

Marketplace Yandex Market has agreed a partnership with Avito. From October 2023, orders from Avito can be received or sent via 8,000 Yandex Market points of sale in over 100 Russian cities. Service will be available for parcels up to 12 kg and cost up to 15 thousand rubles. In the future, the limit is planned to increase to 150 thousand rubles. Delivery of...
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LUKOIL logo 22.09.23

An early rejection of Russian oil could disrupt the operation of the Lukoil Neftochim Burgas refinery in Bulgaria. In 2022, the European Commission exceptionally allowed Bulgaria to import Russian crude oil by sea until the end of 2024, but at the end of the spring session of the country's parliament, a bill to switch to alternative oil sources within 30 day...
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Splunk logo 21.09.23

Cisco is buying Splunk for $28 billion, or $157 per share. The deal is expected to close by the end of Q3 2024.
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Far-Eastern Shipping Company logo 21.09.23
Far-Eastern Shipping Company

Fesco plans to introduce autonomous ship navigation systems. Company has already agreed on a pilot project with Sitronics Group, under which Fesco will test Sitronics solutions on small-capacity vessels that will be sailing in cabotage in the Far East.
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KuibyshevAzot logo 21.09.23

KuibyshevAzot redeemed 58 mln treasury shares, which accounted for 24.4% of the authorized capital. Now the capital of KuibyshevAzot is divided into 176,582,531 ordinary shares and 3,205,289 preferred shares.
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Solidcore Resources logo 21.09.23
Solidcore Resources

Polymetal is exploring opportunities for expansion into new jurisdictions. Company has conducted a preliminary analysis of other countries, and working groups have been set up for some of them together with representatives of government agencies. It is premature to talk about anything concrete, but we are looking at it seriously, explained Vitaly Nesis, head...
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