Stock market news

VK logo 06.06.24

VK plans to build a new data storage and processing center in St. Petersburg. It will become the basis for the development of a high-tech cluster in the region. Network of own data centers will become the basis for ensuring high performance and reliability of VK services for users and business, said the head of the company Vladimir Kirienko.
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Rostelecom logo 06.06.24

Rostelecom operator Avtovaz and Itelma will create a new digital ecosystem for cars based on the Russian Aurora operating system. Rostelecom's intelligent transportation systems will interact with LADA cars through components produced by Itelma. In particular, this implies the creation of cars and components with a high level of localization that will run on...
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Inter RAO logo 06.06.24
Inter RAO

Inter RAO may supply electricity to Uzbekistan in the fall, the company's board member Alexandra Panina said. "I think that by the fall, plans on the part of Kazakhstan will already be worked out more specifically, what volumes it could let through for the Uzbek energy system," - she said on the sidelines of SPIEF-2024.
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T-Bank logo 06.06.24

Claim by the Bank of Russia against Tinkoff Insurance for ₽7.7 billion turned out to be an error. In the "amount of claim" column of the court card, it is not the amount of the claim, but the TIN of the company. In fact, this is an administrative case under the Administrative Code of Administrative Offenses with the amount of claims totaling only ₽40,000.
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T-Bank logo 06.06.24

Bank of Russia has filed an application with the Arbitration Court of Moscow to bring Tinkoff Insurance to administrative responsibility. The amount of the claim is ₽7.7 billion. Category of the claim - "On bringing to administrative responsibility for carrying out business activities without state registration or without a special permit (license)", the doc...
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Element logo 05.06.24

Moscow Exchange admitted Element shares to trading on its own initiative. Trades in the securities will start from tomorrow.
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Rostelecom logo 05.06.24

Rostelecom has proposed that the government create a unified platform for electric charging infrastructure and become its operator. Proposed solution will make it possible to consolidate regional operators of electric charging infrastructure in a single digital space and provide high quality services to users, the company notes.
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SFI logo 05.06.24

Shareholders of SFI approved dividends for 2023 in the amount of ₽20.6 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is June 14, 2024. Dividend yield may amount to 1.41%.
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Mechel logo 05.06.24

Mechel's coal production in the first three months of 2024 amounted to 2.568 mln tons, up 22% year-on-year. Iron and steel production decreased by 16% to 701 thousand tons and 758 thousand tons, respectively. Sales of long products decreased by 2% to 582 thousand tons and flat products by 21% to 88 thousand tons. Sales of coking coal concentrate increased by...
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Rostelecom logo 05.06.24

Operator Rostelecom will launch a digital platform for obtaining bank guarantees, for example, to participate in tenders. In 2023, Rostelecom has already launched a digital exchange of receivables - there suppliers can put their claim for payment and receive financing. First partner was Alfa-Bank and has already conducted one transaction. In the future, the...
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