Stock market news

EL5-Energo logo 26.07.24

Electricity generation by EL5-Energo for 6 months of 2024 amounted to 11.54 bln kW⋅h, up 10.3% year-on-year. Useful electricity output increased by 10.5% and amounted to 10.96 bln kW⋅h. Heat supply increased by 10% to 2.268 mln Gcal.
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MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 26.07.24
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

Moscow Exchange will add 15 new securities to the service of making OTC deals with CCs. As a result, their number will reach 83. Trading platform intends to continue expanding the list of available instruments, including taking into account the wishes of investors, who can send them using a special form on the exchange's website.
Source: {source} pictogram
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Stavropolenergosbyt logo 26.07.24

Stavropolenergosbyt's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽464.15 million, up 21.8% from ₽381.03 million in the previous year. Revenue rose 2% to ₽12.48 billion against ₽12.23 billion a year earlier.
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Perm Energy Supply Company logo 26.07.24
Perm Energy Supply Company

Perm Power Supply Company's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽860.1 million, up 21.9% from ₽705.62 million in the previous year. Revenue rose 3.9% to ₽23.99 billion against ₽23.08 billion a year earlier.
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KuibyshevAzot logo 26.07.24

KuibyshevAzot's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽3.5 billion, down 3.4 times from ₽11.88 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 15.1% to ₽40.277 billion against ₽35 billion a year earlier.
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Rosseti Volga logo 26.07.24
Rosseti Volga

Rosseti Volga's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽1.43 billion, up 78.7% from ₽0.8 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 1.7% to ₽38.69 billion against ₽38.05 billion a year earlier.
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Mordovian Energy Supply Company logo 26.07.24
Mordovian Energy Supply Company

Mordovian Power Supply Company's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽171.96 million, up 23.7% from ₽139 million in the previous year. Revenue rose 4.2% to ₽3.95 billion against ₽3.79 billion a year earlier.
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UGC logo 26.07.24

Yuzhuralzoloto completed construction of the Vysokoye gold extraction plant, a project that has been underway since 2017. Production capacity of the plant is 5.5 tons of gold per year. Deposit reserves exceed 100 tons of gold. Total investments of the company in the project amounted to more than ₽42 billion.
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Samolet Group of Companies logo 26.07.24
Samolet Group of Companies

Samolet's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽3.19 billion, down 11.4% from ₽3.6 billion in the previous year. Revenue increased 37.9% to ₽4.26 billion against ₽3.09 billion a year earlier.
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Rosseti North-West logo 26.07.24
Rosseti North-West

Rosseti North-West's RAS net profit for 6 months of 2024 amounted to ₽2.9 billion, up 3 times from ₽0.96 billion in the previous year. Revenue rose 8% to ₽28.99 billion against ₽26.85 billion a year earlier.
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