Stock market news

MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange) logo 04.07.23
MOEX Group (Moscow Exchange)

Trading volume on futures market Moscow Exchange amounted to ₽6.8 trillion in June, the highest since March 2022, when the figure was only ₽2.3 trillion. But the result is still short of the levels at which the market traded before the SWO began. Average monthly trading volumes for February and January then were ₽16.3 trillion and ₽16.6 trillion, respectivel...
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Phosagro logo 03.07.23

Shareholders of Phosagro approved dividends for 3 months 2023 in the amount of ₽264 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is July 7, 2023. Dividend yield may amount to 3.68%.
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Moscow confectionery factory Krasny Oktyabr logo 03.07.23
Moscow confectionery factory Krasny Oktyabr

Shareholders of Moscow Red October Confectionery approved a dividend of ₽0.1 per ordinary share and 0.13 per preferred share for 2022. The last day to purchase securities to receive the dividend is July 7, 2023. The dividend yield on both types of securities is less than 0.02%.
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KAMAZ logo 03.07.23

On highway M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg appeared three more unmanned Kamaz. In total on the route now there are 6 such trucks. Commercial cargo transportation is carried out by five of them, and the sixth one is working on technical algorithms to improve the quality of unmanned cargo transportation.
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Rushydro logo 03.07.23

Vadim Shvetsov's structure, Serenity Invest LLC, withdrew from RusHydro Carsharing LLC, which operates Green Crab, a Far East electric carsharing service. Service was launched in June 2022 as a parity joint venture between RusHydro and Sollers Group LLC of businessman Vadim Shvetsov, which was later renamed Serenity Invest LLC. In Green Crab fleet then inclu...
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Nebius Group logo 03.07.23
Nebius Group

Yandex.Delivery" service is preparing a platform to work with entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan, said Alibek Yesov, regional director of service development in the CIS. Currently the company is negotiating with catering chains and online stores and sees great interest on their part. According to the Ministry of Economy of Kyrgyzstan, currently there are 257 intern...
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SmartTechGroup (CarMoney) logo 03.07.23
SmartTechGroup (CarMoney)

CarMoney completed the sale of 110.7 million shares, or 6% of its current capital. Company originally planned to sell about 190 million shares for ₽600 million, or 10% of its capital. . Thus, CarMoney placed a total of about 300.7 million shares. Other additional share offerings from the company are not planned.
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NOVATEK logo 03.07.23

Novatek tripled its R&D investments from ₽183 million to ₽586 million in 2022. Increased expenditures are primarily related to the development of technologies to localize LNG equipment and improve efficiency. In 2023, the company plans to continue investing in the development of its own LNG technology, as well as in the development of Russian low-carbon ammo...
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Novorossiysk Bakery Products Plant logo 03.07.23
Novorossiysk Bakery Products Plant

Shareholders of Novorossiysk Bakery Products Plant approved dividends for 2022 in the amount of ₽14.62 per ordinary share. The last day of purchase of securities to receive dividends is July 10, 2023. Dividend yield may amount to 2%.
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VK logo 03.07.23

VKontakte CEO Marina Krasnova and VK Vice President of Technology and Development, CTO Alexander Tobol decided to leave the company and get involved in their own project. The social network will now be managed by a collegial body, the Management Team, which will include representatives of VK's top management and representatives of VK's management.
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